How to Help: Bike Accidents, Crashes, and the Law

DanielJBrazil.jpgA major step to encouraging more people to bike and enjoy the amazing bike infrastructure of Minneapolis is to overcome a major and sometimes all to real fear: Getting in a crash.

I have been hit and many of us have friends who were innocently exercising , commuting, or grocery shopping when all of a sudden they find themselves; in a crash, adrenaline rushing on the side of the road, and hopefully, not severely injured.

What now?! Instinct tells us to brush it off, say we are fine, and try to ride our bike home, no matter the condition. Luckily, we have the answers for how to survive and recover from the very traumatic experience of getting into a bike crash. 

Join #MPLSBikeAttorney Daniel Brazil as he presents a coffee hour on what to do if you get in a bicycle crash, an immediate response, and how to interact with Bicycle Laws.

Daniel has written several blog posts for us in the past (here) and looks to expand on these topics and answer your questions.

The Bicycle Coalition, Daniel and YOU will be at Angry Catfish Bike/Coffee Bar February 9th From 5:30-7. Please Join us and prepare for a great riding season of 2017. All folks are welcome! 

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