Laying the foundation for a Pedestrian Agenda

In the midst of the holiday season, the Pedestrian Work Group met on December 21 to narrow down a list of actionable priorities for 2017. Here's a recap of the meeting. Our next meeting is Monday, January 23 at 6pm at Central Library Room N-202. Email [email protected] to sign-up for updates or just join us!

With some new faces added to the first meeting's team, the assembled volunteers started the meeting by breaking into groups of 3-4 to creatively strategize how we would take on a few hypothetical scenarios. Each group identified several actions to initiate pedestrian oriented policy ideas and the impacts such a policy could have.

Following this exercise, the full group reassembled and divided up the previously brainstormed 2017 priorities from the first meeting into three themes: Policy, Infrastructure and The 5 E's. For each theme, 25+ potential priorities were narrowed to about five that the team saw as especially achievable, timely and/or foundational to the Minneapolis community's walkability.IMG_3299.JPG












While brainstorming can produce many exciting potential ideas changes, the Work Group was conscious of seeking out objectives that make sense for the specific dynamics of our Minneapolis community and our skills and strengths as an advocacy group. The key ideas identified at this meeting will be developed into a survey and potentially other outreach tools in order to ensure that the final priorities the group takes on reflect those of the broader Coalition network and Minneapolis community at-large. Look for a survey soon so we can gather your input!

At the next meeting, the final priorities will be discussed and the Pedestrian Work Group will chart its first actions to fulfill the agenda that the community has set. As the Bicycle Coalition initiates this new advocacy branch, this group with work throughout the year to implement the final Pedestrian Priorities under the direction and support of staff. 

Our next meeting is Monday, January 23 at 6pm at Central Library Room N-202. Email [email protected] to sign-up for updates or just join us!

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